
Church Membership


We are interested in more than just having your name on our membership roll. We want you to become actively involved in the life of this congregation. We want to be your “spiritual home” – a place where you feel loved and accepted, where you can find and develop a vital relationship with Jesus Christ, and where you can put your gifts to work in ministry to others.

You do not have to become an official member of Summerfield Peace United Methodist Church to belong to Summerfield Peace United Methodist Church. You are welcome to participate in our programs, benefit from our ministries, receive pastoral care, and be a part of our family, even if you never take the step of becoming an official member.

Steps to Belonging
1. Attend: Participate in Sunday worship services on a regular basis.
2. Join a Group: Connect with a smaller group in addition to the Sunday service. For example, a Sunday school class, the choir, a ministry team, or a small group Bible study that meets in a home for caring and support.
3. Get a Job: Find a way, however large or small, to use your particular gifts and talents to further the overall mission of Summerfield Peace United Methodist Church.


Some people “join” the church without really “belonging” to the church. That is to say that even though their name is on the official roll, they are not actively involved in the life of the congregation. They do not attend regularly, they do not participate in the ministries of the church, and they do not contribute to the church’s mission. We want to discourage this type of church relationship, as it does not reflect the type of authentic Christianity that we are seeking to develop in those who belong to our church family. There are many who like to sample the ministries of the church like a “consumer” in a cafeteria, “I’ll take a little of that, and a little of that.”

At Summerfield Peace United Methodist Church, becoming an official member of the church means that you become a “Contributor” in addition to being a “Consumer.” We want you to enjoy the benefits, but your life won’t be complete unless you also contribute to our life together.

Remember, belonging is more important to us than joining. We want you as part of our family. To join the church means that, in addition to being a part of the family you will commit to:

* PRAY for the church, its leaders, its ministries, and its people regularly
* Be PRESENT on a regular basis
* GIVE: support the church financially through proportional giving
* Find a place to SERVE in the church’s ministries
* Be a WITNESS of Christ’s love in our relationships and the community
* Do whatever else you can to further the mission of the church.

Steps to Joining

1. Attend Summerfield Peace United Methodist Church regularly for at least a few months. Get a “feel” for this church’s style and philosophy of ministry. Make sure this is the church for you.

2. Take part in a Discovery Class. Be certain that you understand and have committed to…
* What it means to be a Christian
* What it means to be a United Methodist Christian
* What it means to be a Member of SPUMC

3. Receive the Sacrament of Baptism, if you have not already done so. As United Methodists, we recognize the baptisms of other Christian denominations as valid. If you were baptized as an infant, then your public profession of faith upon joining the church makes it complete. If you were, or will be, baptized as an adult, then your baptism serves as your public profession of faith in Christ.


Of course, neither belonging nor joining is an end in itself. Belonging or joining is just the beginning. The ultimate goal is to become – to become strong Disciples of Christ…to become spiritually mature…to become all that God wants us to be.

Whether or not you choose to join Summerfield Peace United Methodist Church, we pray that your time with this church helps you to “become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13). We hope that you find Christ-centered relationships, learning resources, and serving opportunities that help you to progress in your spiritual life. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey – whether you are a seasoned veteran, a spiritual novice, or even a spiritual seeker – our goal is to help you keep going forward, one step at a time.

1. Commit to Jesus Christ and to His body, the church. When you take this step you promise to:
* Pray for the church
* Be Present
* Give
* Serve
* Witness

2. Commit to habits that produce spiritual growth. We call this step “Spiritual Maturity”. When you take this step you promise to:
* Spend time alone with God Daily in Bible reading and prayer
* Join a Small Group for fellowship with other Christians
* Develop the habit of Tithing as a spiritual discipline

3. Discover your spiritual gifts and commit to use them in ministry to others. We call this step “Ministry”.

When you take this step you promise to:
* Join a ministry Team
* Attend Leadership gatherings for training and support

4. Discover and commit to your role in carrying out God’s plan to reach the world for Christ. We call this step “Mission”. When you take this step you promise to:
* Contribute in some tangible way to reaching the World with the gospel
* Participate in a “hands-on” local Mission project
* Maintain an “Impact List” of unchurched people to pray for